Meet the Happy Heart Princess and go with her on a trip around the world to meet her princess friends.


Hello! I am the Happy Heart Princess. You are about to meet sixteen of my princess friends from all around the world! And we are going to go to their countries and visit them where they live. If you have a globe or a map at your house, you can follow along and find their countries as we visit them!

But first, let me tell you a bit about myself and where I live.


I live in a small historic village just across the river from Cincinnati. It is called MainStrasse Village in Covington, Kentucky. I live in a 3 story house that was built in 1887 with my creator, Sandi Stonebraker. We live with two dogs and a cat. We have a showroom where you can come and buy my book and see the fairytale kids paintings that Sandi does. She also loves to garden so we have a beautiful yard that you can hang out in.
Kita, the kitty, Baby and Joey waiting to be fed.


so our first destination in our journey around the world is Canada. We are traveling to Canada by bus to visit our friend Princess Haley who lives in Toronto. Haley is an avid fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey team. She attends all the home games and because she is in a wheelchair she always has a front row seat. Haley does not let being in a wheelchair stop her from having a good time. She recently won first place in a wheelchair dance contest which is a beautiful thing to see as the wheelchairs spin and whirl about the dance floor.


from Canada we will take the train to arizona where we will visit Princess Donomo, a member of the Hopi Indian tribe. The name "Hopi" means "peace" and the Hopi's were a very peaceful tribe who lived in villages near the Colorado River. Princess Donomo's name means "sight of the sun" and her tribe has taught her to love and have great respect for all nature and mother earth. Today, she is dressed in her buckskin pants and shirt so that we can see the native indian wear but normally she wears jeans and a tee shirt just like all of us. She lives in an adobe house on the reservation with her mother, father and 2 brothers.


Princess Emily lives on a farm in Indiana with her parents and brother Andy. Although Emily lives on a dairy farm, they also have a few chickens and a huge vegetable garden. In the summer Emily has a roadside stand where she sells tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers that they grow in their garden. Emily loves to help in planting and taking care of the garden. She has a pet rooster called Sunny who is usually at her side. Sunny crows every morning at sunrise to wake up the family.